Single Mother’s Ministry

Single Mother’s Ministry

Parenting is too important a responsibility to bear alone, yet all too often single mothers are forced to do just that. We at Red Bridge Ministries believe that effective parenting leads to successful, well-adjusted children. It is our endeavor to assist single mothers meet the many challenges facing them today including housing instability, income loss, emotional trauma and social deterioration. For those faced with the contemplation of abortion, we want to be a resource of spiritual guidance and direction and to provide assistance that will support the decision to protect the sanctity of life in the unborn child. It is our desire to promote the kingdom of God through spiritual training and instruction, and to be a resource to meet their varying needs that will empower single mothers with the tools to lead their households.

  • Learning to properly manage parenting and co-parenting; and to balance single motherhood/children/work through time-management practices while maintaining our spirit life

  • We will function as a resource to put you in contact with available sources who are equipped to meet your specific needs/assistance

  • We will function as a source of support and spiritual guidance for those contemplating abortion and put them in contact with services equipped to meet various needs

  • We will provide financial assistance on a need basis and connect you with sources better equipped to meet your specific needs.