EmpowHER Women’s Ministry

EmpowHER Women’s Ministry

The purpose of Women’s ministry is to equip, empower and edify women to excel in their everyday lives, that they may grow and realize their God-given purpose. We desire to see that women grow to spiritual maturity. We believe the Church should not be a reflection of the culture, but rather the culture be a reflection of the Church. As ambassadors for Christ and the Kingdom of God, we want to reflect Christ in our conduct, our behavior and our character, as we fulfill our goal to be transformed into the image of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

  • Through scriptural training and encouragement we will promote an atmosphere of trust and understanding as we attempt to assist you in your roles as women, wives, mothers,caregivers and breadwinners.

  • We will function as a supportive place and group to give you the tools needed to succeed and excel spiritually and naturally with practical skills for living.

  • Through opportunities for fellowship create an atmosphere that fosters spiritual growth

    Our focus is on obtaining and maintaining a strong spiritual life, building each other up through the Word of God and gleaning from the strengths of others. Building confidence in the knowledge of Christ Jesus to fully embrace your power, purpose and possibilities to which you have been called. Facilitate you on your path to realizing the plans God has for you and living out the will of God for your lives.